Corporate acting, also known as roleplay or simulation acting, is a tool to provide a safe interactive environment for professionals to improve communication and social skills. By simulating a professional situation, whether that’s pitching to a client, communicating with a patient, or giving feedback to a colleague, a corporate actor helps professionals to prepare for interactions before engaging them in real life.
Notable clients include the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Hanze Hogeschool, the Wenckebach Institute (UMCG), and the Opleidingsinstituut PPO. Naturally I work in both Dutch and English, depending on the client’s needs.
Contact above agencies or contact me for bookings.
I enjoy hosting events or meetings. From town hall meetings on cityplanning, to modern dance companies’ public rehearsals, and from improvised theater shows, to museum openings.
Whether you want someone to energize the crowd, moderate a discussion, or tell people to turn their cell phone off before a show–I tailor my performance to your needs!
Contact me for bookings.
Top image courtesy Traci White Photo. Middle image courtesy Joost Nuijten, Innuendo Photography. Bottom image courtesy Jeroen Dekker Fotografie.